The Shadow Bureau - Bon Harris & Wolfgang Flür

The Shadow Buerau. I completely missed it when it was made public two months ago. It's the new project from Bon Harris (Nitzer Ebb), and features vocals of former Kraftwerker Wolfgang Flür.

Backing vocals come courtesy of Isabelle Erkendahl of child duo Peaches, later Pet Shop Boys cover band West End Girls, the daughter of Hans Erkendahl of The Mobile Homes.

Axis Of Envy - The Shadow Bureau - 2011 found on Electronic

The song is taken from an upcoming various artists album, with original songs inspired by Indomina Media’s theatrical film releases and this video is taken from the film True Legend. Can't say I'm overly impressed with it, but never mind.

Wolfgang Flür, by the way, is said to have translated the above Peaches song from Swedish to German in 2002. But I can't find the German version, don't know if it was ever released.