The Shadow Bureau - Bon Harris & Wolfgang Flür

The Shadow Buerau. I completely missed it when it was made public two months ago. It's the new project from Bon Harris (Nitzer Ebb), and features vocals of former Kraftwerker Wolfgang Flür.

Backing vocals come courtesy of Isabelle Erkendahl of child duo Peaches, later Pet Shop Boys cover band West End Girls, the daughter of Hans Erkendahl of The Mobile Homes.

Axis Of Envy - The Shadow Bureau - 2011 found on Electronic

The song is taken from an upcoming various artists album, with original songs inspired by Indomina Media’s theatrical film releases and this video is taken from the film True Legend. Can't say I'm overly impressed with it, but never mind.

Wolfgang Flür, by the way, is said to have translated the above Peaches song from Swedish to German in 2002. But I can't find the German version, don't know if it was ever released.


  1. Anonymous7/11/2011

    The lyrics are actually from "Greed", a song from the second Yamo album "Eloquence" that should have been out ages ago but that Mr Flur can't seem to release. There are bits and bobs of "Eloquence" on other albums; a track called "Yamate Line" is on the Maki Nomiya album "Party Girl". And on the Homme Beige album "June" there is a (quite brilliant) version of "Cover Girl" under the title "Luscious Lady" - also with Wolfgang on vocals. There is also a track on a Giorgio Li Calzi album (again with Wolfgang on vocals) that I can't remember the name of. All planned for "Eloquence" originally.

  2. Didn't know that, thanks for the info! Seems Eloquence will never be released, but rather parted and spread over loads of other releases (lyrics-wise)...

  3. Anonymous7/11/2011

    Just remembered the Giorgio Li Calzi track: "Freaking Out", on his album "Tech-Set". This should have appeared on Eloquence as "Best Friend's Birthday". Wolfgang had snippets of three Eloquence tracks ("Greed", "Best Friend's Birthday" and "Cover Girl" on his MySpace page some time ago, but sadly, they've disppeared since. They made me yearn for the new Yamo album, but it seems they can't (won't?) get a record contract.
    Incidentally, congrats on your very readable blog. Best, Sytze from Holland.

  4. Not sure i've heard all of those Yamo tracks from MySpace, would be great if they were still to be found somewhere else on the Internet.

    I find it strange if noone is willing to release a new Yamo album. I wouldn't expect it to sell more than 2000 copies, but if Flür accepts that there's no money in it, I'm sure there are plenty of labels out there for this project...

  5. Anonymous8/15/2012

    I was just re-reading this old blog and wondering if the various artists album containing the Axis of Envy track was ever released... preferably on CD... anyone have a clue? I couldn't find any info.
